Wheels up en route to Flagstaff, AZ for a Boich Family Cellar wine-paired dinner at the amazing Pine Canyon Club – big shout out to all our friends who worked to make this event happen. With a window seat and a little Joe Firstman piped through the Bose headset, I am happy as a clam. The album is “The War of Women” – highly recommended for those of you in search of under-the radar artists who shined bright in their prime. But this is a conversation about wine, not music, excuse the detour (but check out the album nonetheless).
Before BFC, August meant the tail end of summer vacation and the preparation for back to school. Well, the kids are all grown up, I live in a vineyard and now August means Veraison. Ahh yes, that glorious time of the growing season when the green berries turn purple and begin to sweeten & swell. It is the caterpillar turning butterfly of the viticulturist world. By the end of the process the vines are hanging heavy with bunches of purple berries on the home stretch to harvest 45 – 60 days later. So, as we prepare to release our 2015/2016 vintage wines, we are preparing the final steps for the 2018 vintage crop – and it is looking beautiful! If you haven’t been up to the estate or the Wall Road Vineyard lately you are in for a surprise on your next visit. Be sure and let Jnani and I know if you are planning a trip this way. Always fun to hang out and maybe even break out the guitars for a little jam!
Until next time, JB